Big Hands?

Big hands? Says who? You know something that really is irritating? When I hear someone complain about having large hands or big fingers. Think of all the amazing things those hands do. When you do, then the size of your hands doesn’t really matter, does it. At the very least it shouldn’t mean something negative. […]
Outdated ugly jewelry activate! Into cool new jewelry.

Jewelry REvamps If you haven’t read, watched, or heard about the konmari method you are living under a rock. Or under your messy, messy house and may need to call for help. If you have, are you a #Kondoconvert? Maybe you discovered Marie Kondo years ago, long before her Netflix special. If so, I am […]
Have you seen all the things?

We have been working really hard around here. And there is so much to show off. All of this just in the past couple of weeks. Believe it or not I am already prepping and creating for Christmas. It’s that time. Because it takes longer for handmade and custom jewelry. It’s a little something EXTRA, […]

If you are going to invest in yourself, then DO IT! And go all the way. Go for the handmade and custom, skip the store bought/ massed produced crap. Yes, it does cost more. Because it actually cost more to make it. Quality is worth it. Plus you are supporting another woman. What’s missing from […]

I hit a milestone. I have reached Nirvana, a landmark, arrived. Or something. Enough people pay attention to what I am doing that on a regular basis I get private messages, texts and emails about all the mistakes I made/make. HA! So something occurred to me after I made the 104,004,023rd grammar/spelling mistake in a Facebook […]